frequently asked questions



What is the Largest Underwater Cleanup?
The action aims to break the Guinnness World Records for the Underwater cleanup with most divers simultaneously.


Is this the same record as last year?
No, in 2023 we broke the record for the Largest Cleanup in 24 hours. 



When is the Underwater Cleanup? Divers should be at the dive centers at 9:00am and the dive will start at 10:00am. 


Where is the event taking place? The event is taking place at the Sesimbra Harbor, Portugal. Avenida dos Náufragos 38.43596381766065, -9.115404702550682


Where can I park my car? You can park in the harbor area in designated parking spots. However, due to the difficulty of parking in the area and the size of the event, some of the partners will provide free parking spots. Whenever possible, please try to carpool to promote socializing and sustainability. You can park your car, for free, at Docapesca (38.44143061871626, -9.113416948012924) or at Camping ground Forte do Cavalo (38.43599728129892, -9.116659341859389). Just show this image at the entrance gate. Note: The camping is not working, only available for parking.


Where can I register as a diver? You can register with one of the diving centers by email or phone. Learn more here.


I'm a firefighter and my fire department would like to participate, can we? Of course! Last year we had several firefighting corporations as well as the GNR, Navy and Special Civil Protection Force participating in the event officially. Contact us for further information.


I have a diving center outside the Sesimbra area, how can we participate? Contact us for further information.


What is the cost for the divers? This action will be free for the divers, including equipment rental. However, we ask everyone who has equipment to bring it to facilitate logistics and reduce waiting times.


Do I have to be a certified diver to participate? Yes, in terms of record rules and safety, it is mandatory to be a certified diver.


I'm not a diver, but I still want to participate, how can I help? All help is important and we appreciate everyone who can help. Volunteers can help with the separation of collected waste, land cleaning, diving centers, or bringing entertainment. Registrations here


When will I know if we broke the record?  Around 12:00 pm, the official veredict from the Guinness World Records Adjudicator will be released.

Underwater Cleanup - 25th May 2024

Main Patron

Dive Centers
